Get opt-ins with QR code and TextIn

An SMS QR code makes it very easy for a user to send a text (SMS) message to a receiving party. When such a code is scanned using a smart device (with SMS capability), it helps pre-fill the recipient’s phone number and a text message encoded in the code into the device’s messaging application so the sender does not have to enter these manually. The sender just have to press the send action. Both iOS and Android users are redirected to the default messaging app available on these devices upon scanning an SMS QR code.
Use case: Opt-in
For businesses seeking opt-in from customers for text-based (SMS) customer engagement, SMS QR code is a very useful tool to offer for the following reasons.
- Ease of use (taking picture using a camera app on a smart device is the easiest thing to do)
- Ubiquity (QR code scanning feature is available on all modern smart devices)
- Reduce friction (default messaging app is opened from the camera app itself)
- Avoid errors (decoded data from QR code is already filled up by the messaging application, no manual entry required)
- Opt in remotely, at convenience. No staff intervention needed. No queue at point of sale.
Generate code, print and place it
What you need
- Colligso-assigned SMS number for your business
- Your chosen keyword or Text Hashtag for customers to opt-in
Generate QR Code
Following steps describe how you can use free tools like, or to generate a code.
- Add Colligso-assigned SMS number for your business in the phone number field
- Add keyword your choice in the Message field. If you want to build audience using a separate Text Hashtag, you could add that hashtag over here instead.
- Save
- Download
Screenshot from
Print the code and place it
Now print the generated code with some instructions to guide your customer. Place it where it can be discovered by your customers. For example: poster, on table top, sticker, a card in your product packaging, etc.
Customer experience
Scan the code
A customer scans your code using the camera app of her/his smart phone from a poster, a table top, a sticker, a card in your product’s packaging, etc. where you have smartly placed it. You have provided clear instructions with the code already.
Default messaging app is opened on the customer’s smart device by the camera app. Your SMS number and keyword are already filled up in the message app. Customer does not have to do anything but send the message.
Receive acknowledgement
Customer receives an acknowledgement from Colligso thanking her/him for opting in for text (SMS) messages from your business. That’s it!
To use text marketing in USA and Canada, you need to obtain opt-in in writing from each customer from her/his own device. Colligso TextIn makes it easy for your customers to opt-in and opt-out, no hassle for you.
Check this out
- When should you use SMS marketing?
- Reach the not-seen customers
- TextIn is integrated with popular apps, CRM, eCommerce, guest WiFi, ordering, point of sale and integration platforms to make it easy for you to sync up customer data.